Blake Allan

Blake Allan

Monday, September 27, 2010

The last three months...

Wow! I cannot believe that it has been three months since i have blogged. A lot has happened in that three months. Our Son, Blake made his grand entrance on July 9th 2010 and he has been such a blessing. It is so awesome to watch him grow and develop but it is going by way to fast. He is almost three months and I cannot believe it! God has blessed us so much!
Brett has started coaching junior high football at Maysville and he is really enjoying it. I knew that when he started coaching that he would love it and be really good at it. He has also been busy at the church with youth group and getting to know the youth in the community.
I have been busy taking care of Blake and getting to know more of the people in the community. I have started walking with some friends on a regular basis and it is a lot of fun. I have started working out again. It is hard getting back into the groove of eating healthy and finding time to work out everyday. I am excited about it though :) I ran today for the first time in 11 months and it felt great! (and painful of course) well, I have got to go to bed. Good night ;)
Food for thought: never take for granted the little things in life!

Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Today is my first day of blogging! Believe it or not, my husband became a blogger before I did and It quickly became contagious. My summer has been rather interesting to say the least. Usually my summers are filled with "getting fit" like running, going on hikes, swimming and being outside non stop. This summer has not been that way at all.
I am nine months pregnant this summer and have not been able to do many things that i enjoy in the summer. It would not be healthy for the baby to be doing activities like hiking and running. I guess that is the sacrifice we make for our children! Summer has still been fun and busy though. We just got home from three weeks of camps and youth retreats. They were definitely fun but being pregnant makes everything just a little more challenging as the due date arrives.
Now that we have finally got the nursery ready to go (thanks to Brett putting the baby bed together which was rather hard to say the least) we are ready for baby winder to make his grand entrance and hopefully soon :) Well,, it has been a great day and I hope yours was as great as mine was!